Farm Happenings at River Queen Greens
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And We're Back

Posted on February 26th, 2021 by Annie Moore

We made it through a very tough week and were rewarded with beautiful weather this week. It's still a bit touch and go in the fields right now as things that seemed ok at first are showing more signs of freeze damage, and it's taking awhile for everything to get back to full recovery. Our only total loss was three plantings of snow peas, but a lot of things took a beating. The warm weather and sunshine makes everything feel better though, doesn't it? And our little green house brimming with summer plants is a sign of better things to come too.

This coming week we're pulling things together from a bunch of different places due to continued delays from last week's freeze. Compostella's baby greens are still out, but we've got a variety of salad and cooking greens from our fields, Compostella, and Indian Springs. We've got the last of Faust Farm's hydroponic cherry tomatoes and their beautiful brussel sprouts. There's plenty of Compostella carrots and Indian Springs sweet potatoes to stock up on as well.

No eggs in the extras section this week, but we do have some Faust strawberries and we're at the tail end of the most delicious organic grapefruits from L'Hoste Citrus. Tofu is limited due to soy shipment delays from Texas for the Vietnamese makers here, so there are just a few available and that will be it for a couple weeks. 

It's been a tough few weeks for local food, but we're pleased with the selection for this share and hope you'll enjoy it too!