Farm Happenings at Ridge to Reef Farm
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New Help

Posted on September 14th, 2021 by Elizabeth Gallo

This week we have been really feeling the effects of having a bit more help here on the farm. We recently welcomed Morgan and Drew to our crew and we couldn't be more happy to have their helping hands around. Already this week we have turned over a field for a new planting, weeded and mulched another field, and seeded a bunch of carrots. Woohoo! As you can see above, Odin is also lending a helping hand these days, he has decided that instead of lying in the beds, he will lie in the walkways. Always a good helper!

We are also getting excited about avocados this week, as our trees are starting to produce more heavily. If avocados are your thing, make sure to add them to your share this week because we have plenty to go around. Turnips are back as well and we will have a small amount of green beans available, with more coming next week. As we are approaching the end of our season we want to express our gratitude to everyone who has participated this season, we couldn't do it without you! Because of your support each week we are able to do what we love most, grow delicious, organic food for our community. 

We look forward to seeing everyone this weekend and don't forget to stop by our Farm Tienda for some extra goodies and the one and only Misfit Island Munchies. Have a great week!

Elizabeth and the farm crew