Farm Happenings at Ridge to Reef Farm
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Deep Planning

Posted on September 2nd, 2020 by Nate Olive

I had the honor this past week to meet with the farmer-comprised board of directors of the Virgin Islands Farmers Alliance (VIFA) to plan for some exciting crop variety trials. Across four of some of the most productive farms in the territory, we will be trying out multiple strains of carrots, watermelons, lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumber provided by Johnny's Selected Seeds to see which is the best to grow in the VI under varying growing conditions. We are receiving guidance from UVI's extension service, namely their entomologist Dr. Amy Dreves.

Stay tuned for your invite for our virtual crop tours where we will explain our process and results as we collectively try to provide the best crops possible in the VI. This should have implications far beyond our CSA, and also provide some exciting new varieties in our next season:) Your support of our CSA is helping make all of this possible. Consider joining VIFA and/or donating to the non-profit as us farmers work together to change the food scene in the VI.

This week we have overflowing organic okra, cherry tomatoes, and arugula to share among many other delicious offerings for your kitchen. We will be stocked at our Farm Tienda this Saturday along with tasty treats from Misfit Island Munchies so please stop by our location on Mahogany Road.

Please enjoy this week's share to its fullest,

Nate & the Farm Crew