Farm Happenings at Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York
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Farm Happenings for August 27, 2020

Posted on August 21st, 2020 by Bob Baker

Hello Members - Happy Wednesday!  Our volunteers are working on cleaning and sorting the garlic this week - so we hope to have them ready for your shares next week!

The stars of our picture this week are modeling their summer green - we are still waiting for the first pink blushes to appear - and part may be due to the heat - which is not usually our problem up in the Helderbergs - however this year has been a hot one even for us - which can slow the ripening process to a standstill - the lycopene and carotene - are not produced in the fruit - and they stay in a mature green phase till temperature begin to decrease.  We have tons on the vines - so when they start ripening - they will be available in your shares for many weeks!  

Right now we are not sure about  Pick Your Own for this Saturday August 29th - weather info this morning is calling for rain showers on Saturday with a 60% chance - will send out an email on Friday afternoon to let you know whether we will be open or not -  vegetables that will be available are Cherry Tomatoes, Okra, Beets, Green Beans, Basil, Dill, Cilantro, Parsley, Tomatillos and beautiful cut flowers - quantities will vary from pint to quart - have lots of beans - Okra - tomatillos - and herbs - tomatoes some what limited - lots on the vines in their summer green  -    the time is 9 am to 12 noon - you may bring your children or another family member or friend - We do ask you to observe a couple of our policies for pick your own that we have put in place for the well-being and safety of everyone who visits  - please do not bring any pets - and if you bring your children, we ask that you remain with them at all times for their safety - we have containers and bags which you may use for picking - you are welcome to bring scissors or small clippers to harvest the veggies or herbs - please bring a mask - you might want to bring a pair of gloves - if you have questions please email me -    Thank you!

 What to do with the boxes - for many reasons this year - sites are not holding the boxes for us - Options  - if the box does not appear to be in good shape - please just put it in your recycle at home - if it is OK - My suggestion is - you store them at home and when you have a good amount and happen to be heading toward the Food Bank - please drop them off - Monday - Friday - 8 am - 5 pm - Thank You!

We have another recipe submitted by one of our members - whose comment was "quite tasty"  and a great way to use this week's green beans - Beans 1.jpg

Enjoy your weekend - veggies - and family and friends -

Very best,Bob