Farm Happenings at Kilt Farm
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Week 13 - Melons to end the summer

Posted on September 1st, 2023 by Michael Moss

View from the Tractor


Happy Labor Day Weekend!

I hope you and your families are finding some time to enjoy this final holiday of the summer, ideally in a cool place filled with laughter, love, and delicious food. While you relax, your farmers will be hard at work on Monday to ensure a steady supply of fresh produce. We'll be celebrating the end of summer by harvesting a delightful array of sweet and spicy treats, all for you. It's what we do.

Today, we ventured into our Gunbarrel fields and collected over 6000 pounds of watermelons. These are no ordinary watermelons; they're the delectable and sweet Mini Love seeded red watermelons that are bound to bring smiles to your faces. Additionally, we've kicked off our winter squash harvests, starting with the delicata squash. This year, alongside delicata, we'll be harvesting spaghetti squash, butternut squash, carnival acorn squash, green acorn squash, and pie pumpkins. You can expect to see these delights as soon as the weather cools a bit, allowing the squash to properly cure.

Our tomato harvest is in full swing, but due to weather challenges, the window for harvesting field tomatoes will be relatively short. This week, we're offering red, paste, heirloom, and entire 15-pound flats of sauce tomatoes. While the sauce tomatoes may be slightly overripe and possess minor imperfections, they are absolutely perfect for making sauces.

As the weather gradually cools, life will become a bit easier for your farmers. Until then, we'll continue to labor diligently, reaping the rewards of our hard work and bringing you the finest produce.

With gratitude,

The Farmers at Kilt Farm

Fruit Share

This week we are back into peaches and it is true treat with the Suncerest Peach. The Suncrest is a lovely golden-yellow peach that contains an absolutely delicious and refreshing flavor which is pure bliss on the hot summer days when the fruit ripens. From the beautiful appearance to its deep citrusy flavor, everything about the Suncrest peach is quite unique!

Before you know it we will be into pears and apples, so enjoy the sweetness of the late season peach. 

We will have StarFire Nectarines, and Suncrest available in the add on section for those that do not have a fruit share. 

Add Ons - Kilt Farm Honey

Dean from Nimbus Road Apiary manages the bees on our farm. They have been really doing well this year and are a huge part of our farming process. The honey comes from our farm, gets bottled raw and is ready to go. Nothing better than some fresh honey drizzled over a grilled peach. You!

Thank you so much for being a member of the farm. We can't do it with out you.