Farm Happenings at Joy Haven Farm
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Farm Stand Offering #10

Posted on July 6th, 2023 by Sheila Dicks

Figs are ripening and after the late frost we got in the Spring we are grateful to see them!

This will be probably be our last offering until the Fall Session that begins in mid October. We will be sending out more information and updates as we get closer to our first harvest of Fall.

The Spring/Summer Session was really great and looking forward to a little break and make plans for our Fall plantings. We love to take time to reflect on each season, making notes of what varieties did well and that were the most productive. When we started 9 years ago we had little formal training and our soil was not healthy. I'm proud to say we have been getting to know our soil and improving it each year with cover crops, adding compost and other organic amendments. Farming has a unique learning curve in that what we learn can only be used the following season, so we build on each year. We don't know how many more seasons we will continue to grow for others, (my heart is wanting to spend more time with the grandchildren and my body has a lot of aches and pains) but we know we will always grow for ourselves. I encourage you to make a garden spot, raised bed or grow something in pots. It is very rewarding and nothing better than fresh veggies and fruit out of your own yard!