Farm Happenings at Jade Family Farm
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round, mottled and sweet

Posted on August 26th, 2018 by John Eisenstein

This has not been a good year for fruit.  It was rainy.  Too rainy.  So, our Asian pears, normally the pride of the orchard, have been producing very scantily, in terms of fruit you would actually like to eat.  However, one variety really came through for us and tastes delicious.  It is called "shinseiki" and is small, with a mottled green and russet appearance.

Good thing looks aren't everything. We don't have very many, so enjoy the few there are and hope for a better year in 2019.

We also have green (unripe) tomatoes this week from cleaning out our unhated greenhouses of tomatoes, in preparation for winter greens.  Don't worry, tomato season isn't over, as we still have 2 field plantings just starting to ripen.  Green tomatoes are one of my favorites for stir fries and a kind of stovetop mixed vegetable stew I call "glop"  I'm not much of a chef, but given fresh, flavorful vegetables and enough butter, even glop is delicious.


Bye for now!