Farm Happenings at Hillcrest Farms
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Farm Happenings for November 7, 2020

Posted on November 1st, 2020 by Mark Kastner
Seventeen minutes of daylight left until we sink below the 10 hours benchmark needed to sustain real plant growth. So how is it Hillcrest Farms can offer fresh real chemical free food during the cold, inhospitable months of Michigan late Fall, Winter and early Spring? 
Most of the winter production is 75% mature by November 10, the magic date in our area. These crops occupy the outer perimeter of our unheated hoop houses, and they are now in place. Next, we cheat! The interior beds stay warmer longer and will be populated in December by young plants in the nursery that don't even know it's November!  In December/ January we start plants in the nursery for transplant to the slowly warming soil in the hoops in early March about 4 weeks after we go positive above 10 hours, usually about February 5.
Lastly having the right varieties, and the talented staff who help grow your food safely is critical!
This week I am at the Family Fare parking lot in Eaton Rapids on Wednesday at 12:00 noon, and the Allen Street Farmers Market on Michigan Avenue after that. Thursday afternoon is farm pick up, and Saturday our distribution is at the parking lot behind Flour Child Restaurant, 11:00-12:00 noon. Please see the attached menu and let me know if I can help. I hope to see you soon!
Thank you,
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