Farm Happenings at Heritage Family Gardens
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Tomato Trellising - dirty but colorful work

Posted on June 30th, 2023 by Stacey Taggart

It's the time of year for tomato trellising! We'd always used tomato cages in the past, but when we started this business and did the math, we realized that we would need almost $10,000 worth of cages!!  That would make for some pricey tomatoes!! So we've tried many different ways to trellis - most of them haven't worked - but one has come out a clear winner... We put field fence down the middle of the tomato row and use trellis twine throughout the year to hold the plants to the fencing. As we go up and down the rows of tomatoes with the twine, our hands and arms get covered in tomato plant residue. It's actually surprisingly colorful. There is a thick coating of green that builds up on your fingers but, even though there aren't any red tomatoes yet, the green is often surrounded with a light coating of deep red. Then, when you go to wash it off, the water is very bright yellow. Crazy but isn't nature amazing?!  OFFERINGS THIS WEEK: we've got peas! (in snack sized bags so more can get some), and lots of zucchini and summer squash, and even a few peppers!  Cucumbers are right around the corner and keep your fingers crossed for tomatoes, it's getting closer!