Farm Happenings at Heritage Family Gardens
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Spring Greens #3

Posted on May 13th, 2021 by Stacey Taggart

Let the good times roll!  New this week we have Spring Turnips which we find are sweeter and crunchier than any other time of the year.  They're especially delicious raw this time of year but can also be added to stir-fries or roasted in the oven.  We also have chives for the first time this year!  I love chives and throw them in just about everything from eggs to salads to sauteed greens, just for a little hint of onion-y fresh flavor.  The Chinese Cabbage and Bok Choy are still coming on strong so let's all get our fill while we can.  The other night, I warmed up some leftover beef roast in a skillet, then I added a chopped up chinese cabbage head.  I sprinkled sea salt over that and stirred it over the heat for a few minutes before turning off the heat and letting the cabbage cook down a bit more.  Finally I sprinkled in some Coconut Aminos (a Soy Sauce alternative) and walla!  A 4-ingredient meal! It was super quick and easy, and I must say, it was delicious!!  ;)