Farm Happenings at Fifth Crow Farm
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7 weeks left of the 2021 CSA Season...

Posted on October 2nd, 2021 by Teresa Kurtak

Ellie inspects our mini crop of Jack-O-Lanterns.  They're sadly too big to transport to your CSA sites, but we did grow a few to donate to the kid's schools.

Hello Shareholders,

REMINDER- please check your csa confirmation e-mail for your CSA pick up time. Boxes that aren't picked up during the pick up window will be re-homed or donated. Many of our site hosts have been quite gracious about people forgetting to pick up and calling, e-mailing or stopping by the next day to look for forgotten boxes, but we really do need you to pick up during the pick up window as product that is left out causes lots of problems for our hosts from raccoons and fruit flies, to spoiled melting produce staining their decks.  Sorry....

Also, a quick reminder that the 2021 CSA ends the week before Thanksgiving. There won't be a Winter CSA season this year again.  Given the drought and how challenging it's going to be just to get crops in the ground for this Winter (as we have very little water with which to get them watered in), we don't want to pre-sell product we're not sure we'll be able to grow.  We will hopefully start offering week to week pre-orders via our online Farmstand for Farmers' Market pick ups after a Holiday Season break (probably starting late January or February). 

Flower share holders- a quick reminder that we'll be wrapping up our flower shares week after next so that we can begin to get the fields ready for Winter and shift gears to making dried bouquets and floral wreaths for the Holidays. We'll be taking orders again this season, stay tuned.  We'll hopefully get a separate online store set up by end of next week for special holiday items (wreaths, dried bean gift boxes, canned goods etc.).

Baby chicks arrive next week!  We'll be sure to post lots of pictures :)

Product Highlights: this will be the last week of melons and seckel pears for this year.  Coming soon are Hokkaido squash and parsnips

Bosc Pears- The Bosc are ready to start distributing.  We pack the pears straight out of the cooler so they don't bruise in transport.  Leave them on your counter to ripen.  The Bosc also have some scab this year.  We will try to sort out the ugliest, but expect a bit of aesthetic damage.  It doesn't effect the fruit and is harmless, but if it bothers you, feel free to swap them out. There are only a total of about 40 cases, so we're prioritizing the CSA first.  Anything leftover will go to markets.




Honeycrisp Apples- a relatively new variety, Honeycrisp is aptly named.  It has quickly become quite popular and I think most of you are probably pretty familiar with it.  It's a fabulous fresh eating apple and usually sells out quickly.