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Cooking by inspiration

Posted on February 22nd, 2019 by Heather Coffey

Everyone has different approaches to cooking. Some people make a plan, then shop the list. Others cook more by inspiration from what's on market stand, in a CSA box, or even the size of the potatoes! I love opening my fridge to see what's there, and deciding what to make on the fly. I definitely used to be a list shopper... but slowly over the years the farmers' markets converted me, and now I'm very happily a fridge opener.

This time of year is typically the most "different" from grocery stores. Many of the items we have are rare to find produced locally in the stores, and I find that items sent in from further afield often aren't comparable for flavour. However, you've been diligently enjoying most of these veggies since November, so I won't deny it can feel a little repetitive at times. Here's my top 5 tips for keeping your cooking inspired into March!

1. Pick a veggie to start with, and build your meal around that. Flip through a recipe search online or use your favourite cookbook index to find inspiration.

2. Know that there's always lots of ways to prepare each veggie, so don't be shy to switch it up. Raw includes: chopped or grated in salads, sliced as crackers, or snacking sticks. Don't forget there's infinite themes for dressings, dips and cracker toppings (although I usually stick to cheese!) Cooking methods include boiled, mashed, sautéed, roasted in chunks, or sliced thin into "chips", then there's soups, stews, stir-frys, fritattas, curries, casseroles and pastas which can absorb a wide range of veggies.

3. Consider the size and quantity of your vegetable - it's not worth peeling tiny potatoes, or grating tiny carrots... save those for using whole roasted or as snacks. Do you want to use all your beets in the dish, or enjoy a few mixed in with other veggies? 

4. Don't forget about courses, veggies can fit into appetizers, soup or salad, as sides with a main, and even in dessert! Check out chocolate beet cakes, carrot cake, and sweet potato brownies. We love daikon radish slices with a bit of brie, a toasted walnut, and drizzle of maple syrup for a creative dessert.

5. Think ahead, we all have moments when we open the fridge and just want to grab a bite to eat. Keep it healthy by having grab and go snacks in stock like cut up veggies and dip, carrot loaf or chopped napa salad with grated veggies and dressing (stored separately, we find they keep well for a few days!)

Try letting the veggies inspire your cooking, they'd love to be the star of your show!