Farm Happenings at Fiddlehead Farm
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Breakfast Tacos

Posted on August 4th, 2019 by Heather Coffey

Breakfast tacos have managed to bridge the gap between my love of sweet breakfasts and Stephanie's love of savoury breakfasts. One particular combination of fillings has become a favourite whenever we have company and I thought it was high time we share it with you all! We enjoyed some of our fresh tomatoes on them this morning, and have another round of cilantro ready for picking this week ;)

Fiddlehead's famous Breakfast Tacos:

  • Fresh corn tortillas
  • Scrambled Eggs
  • Tomatoes
  • Onion
  • Cilantro
  • Bacon
  • Hollandaise
  • Maple Syrup

Sometimes we add in Guacamole, or whatever else inspires us... they're pretty flexible but that's the winning combo. We make our own tortillas from Maseca, found in the flour section of the grocery store - you can follow the recipe on the bag. We pressed our tortillas between two heavy cutting boards for a long time but eventually bought a press. Cooking the tortillas and bacon are the most time consuming part, the rest is just chopped up and put into little bowls for everyone to make tacos simultaneously - key for feeding hungry groups. Stephanie's now makes her Hollandaise with a hand blender making it much simpler:

  1. Melt 1/2 cup of unsalted butter.
  2. In a hand blender sized vessel (we love old Dijon jars) place
    • 3 egg yolks
    • 1/4 teaspoon Dijon
    • 1 Tablespoon Lemon Juice
    • 1 dash of hot pepper flakes (we like our cayenne).
  3. Hand blend the mixture, then slowly pour in the melted butter while blending.
  4. Once you have a nicely blended sauce consistency, you're done! 

The butter shouldn't be to hot while adding it (you don't want to cook the egg), but needs to still be liquid. It's not half as fussy this way as when we used to make it with a whisk.