Farm Happenings at Fair Sun Farm
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Farm Happenings for July 25-31 2021

Posted on July 25th, 2021 by Marnie Chown

At this time of the season we are focusing on keeping things weeded and fertilized but also planting the crops we will need for the fall! Some things are already in the ground and growing, like winter squash, leeks and potatoes, but other things we are continually planting like lettuce!

We are excited for the next few weeks to have some more items available including eggplant (pictured above), peppers, beets, carrots and more! 

We struggled with carrots and beets this season due to poor germination in our first plantings...that's why we haven't had much of them yet so far. Don't worry, there are some coming! 

Our flowers are really starting to pump out the blooms now too including zinnias, strawflowers and sunflowers! Check the swap/extras area for them if you'd like a bouquet!

Enjoy your veggies this week!