Farm Happenings at Diggin' Roots Farm
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Farm Happenings for November 2, 2021

Posted on November 1st, 2021 by Sarah Brown

I'm writing this morning with so much gratitude in my heart. We had a lovely Halloween day working around the house in preparation for a magical evening with friends and family and lots of costumed sugar-crazed giggle-monsters trick or treating at the farm. I think it used to feel like this more often. I think we used to gather under the lights and the stars and around the fire with relative ease and frequency. The last couple of years have been a social recoil of sorts, asking us to relearn how to be around others. It feels so good to share this space, to watch how the land can hold so much human happiness at once, to see the beauty and bounty through other people's eyes. The farm really demands that it be shared, and last night was an affirmation, for us at least, that it is possible again, that it's time to move forward (with cautious optimism) into another season, where we can see each other smile, share laughter and openness, be gratefully present in the presence of others.

We think about sharing this food with you all, and how really our job is to care for this place so that it can care for all of us. We might turn the knobs every once and awhile, hold a finger in the wind, watch for the signs of readiness and rest, but really the land gives so much if we just wait and watch and wonder. Yes, there's work, but there's far more luck and even more magic. Walking the fields is new every day, observing the changes and seeing the gifts of sustenance emerge is exciting every time. If this is work, it's the coolest job on the planet.

This week marks the end of the summer CSA! But there is still SO. MUCH. FOOD. I've entered large quantities of many of the bulk items, so please feel free to add extras if you want to stock up. This is by no means your final opportunity to order/buy food, but it is a chance to begin squirreling some storage for the winter (and those imminent holiday feasts). On that note, I do want to discuss the nuts and bolts of the future here for a moment. We've felt like this season was an overwhelming success, on many fronts. An incredible crew, vibrant plants, plenty to go around, a busy market season, many inspiring changes and transformations on the land, some important system improvements, and on and on. Beginning with an ice storm and then transitioning into some massive heat waves definitely posed new challenges, but the land (and its humans) proved resilient and I think we've enjoyed the fruits of that resiliency. 

While the main-season CSA is ending, we are thinking about food distribution into December. We will continue to have a presence at the winter farmers market into the first couple weeks of December and maybe right up to the Solstice. If you haven't been, the farmers' market is on Saturday morning, from 10-12:30 at the Friend's Church on Eureka Ave. We'll continue to bring winter squash, potatoes, onions, celeriac, parsley, beets, carrots, scallions, garlic, and whatever greens we can muster (kale, chard, mustards, Brussel sprouts, etc). These things will be available as long as we have inventory.

And while we enjoy being at market, it's always easier and more efficient to pack direct orders. If any of you are interested in placing regular orders, we will continue to offer Farm Stand ordering for pick-up at market on Saturdays. The system would be exactly the same as the CSA, though ordering will be limited to first come, first served and will be "opt-in" only on a week to week basis, no obligation to order. This format will allow for us to enter large quantities of inventory and give you an opportunity to stock up on goodies whenever it makes sense for you. I can't guarantee how long we'll have some of these items, but there are definitely enough beets, carrots, potatoes, and winter squash to last us a few months. I would send out availability on Wednesday, for ordering by Thursday night. Since you are already a CSA member, you will automatically receive Farm Stand emails. Please let me know if you have any thoughts or special bulk ordering requests.

Lastly, the week of Thanksgiving, Silver Fall Bread Co and Diggin' Roots Farm are likely collaborating for a one-time pre Thanksgiving pick-up at the Bread shop on Wednesday the 23rd. Just a heads up to look for details and keep an eye out for the order email for that week. We want to make sure you're well stocked for whatever holiday feast awaits. Veggies and carbs unite!

That's all for now. Thank you, sincerely, for making this season so fun and so fulfilling. I'm already excited to start planning for next year, but I do think we'll take some time to sit and stare at the rain. :)  And though this is the last Tues CSA for awhile, it's definitely not the last you'll hear from us in 2021. Please reach out, call, email anytime. We are grateful for each of you, beyond measure, and would love to be in touch.

