Farm Happenings at Diggin' Roots Farm
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Farm Happenings for August 3, 2021

Posted on August 2nd, 2021 by Sarah Brown

This is the season of "do all the things at once" - Weed, water, transplant, bed prep, harvest, harvest, harvest, seed. This is the mountain we climb to have fresh produce well into the fall. It's the hardest transition, b/c it's hot and we're tired, and planting cabbage in 100* heat is insane. But it's the nature of diversified year-round growing, that we are always looking ahead while tending to what's here now.

A few notes on veggies:

- This is the last week of lemon cucumbers. If you've been enjoying those, snag a few extra.

- Eggplant is making it's first appearance, as are green beans. Smaller quantities still, but the wave is coming.

- We are approaching peak basil. Now is the time to order some extra for that batch of pesto you've been putting off. :)

- The sweet onions have been harvesting and are now curing. We will continue to sell them as fresh, though they are drying down. Still so sweet, and so good.

- Potatoes are in the share this week. We've been harvesting a beautiful bed of smooth fleshed, silky texture white potatoes called Elbas. These are from an experimental dry-farmed bed, and we are pleased! The yields are impressive, and the potatoes look great!

- This is the first time we've ever had consistent summer kale. The reasons are numerous, but it's mostly attributed to the insect netting that is permanently set up over the beds. This keeps the flea beetles and cabbage moths at bay. It's not perfect, but it's better than the alternative.

- The heat dome finally caught up to our lettuce production. We won't have tender lettuce greens for a couple of weeks. We're bummed, but it seems like the only significant casualty of that crazy week. 

- Carrots are on hiatus for awhile as well, but only because we only plant so many beds a year, and we've had some trouble getting good germination this season. They will be back!

I think that's all for now. As always, please reach out with any questions or inspirations. We're here for it!

