Farm Happenings at Dickinson College Farm
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Dickinson College Farm Field Notes for Week of June 4th

Posted on June 1st, 2019 by Jenn Halpin

As is tradition at the Dickinson College Farm, members of the staff rotate in as Field Notes authors. We hope that you enjoy the various perspectives on work at the College Farm each week!  

Week two for the summer farm crew kept us on our toes with multiple rainstorms and even some lightning. The green houses and fields are both looking full of vegetables and thoroughly weeded. Monday afternoon and Tuesday were spent clearing the potatoes of the fast spreading weed, galinsoga. Wednesday saw some of us transplanting hundreds of sweet potatoes and others of us running for cover at a rained-out farmers’ market. Thursday included lots of wood chopping and soils sifting. On Friday we staked a field of tomatoes to prepare for them for trellising.   

Some highlights of the week include our new farm education coordinator starting, our first red strawberries, and a couple tours visiting the farm. We are exciting to be adding another member to our crew on Monday!  

Happy Veggie Crunching,
