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Farm Happenings at Daily Blessings Farm
Farm Happennings for the Week of July 26th
Farm Stand Now Open Thursdays and Saturdays
The Daily Blessings Farm stand is officially open to the public on both Thursdays (3pm – 7 pm) and Saturdays (10 am – 2 pm) now, however the shopping experience will be different this year. I will post everything available on the chalk b1 read more »
Farm Happenings for July 23, 2020
Well it definitely feels like summer now. This is exactly what we need for those peppers and tomatoes to ripen.
My day is starting much earlier now (sunrise) and I head inside to wash eggs and do office work around noon. Then I head back outside again around 6pm and work until su1 read more »
Farm Happenings for July 16, 2020
I hope you all enjoyed your first box of our summer season. It was a pleasure meeting those of you who pick up from the farm, and I hope those of you picking up at True Juice met, owner Chris and his wonderful staff (which are all his family members).
When you pick up your produce, please remove th1 read more »
Farm Happenings for week of July 5, 2020
Welcome to our summer season! If you are just joining us, this is our ninth week of sharing the harvest.
Be sure to explore the recipe database in your Harvie account if you need ideas on how to prepare your produce.
If you haven’t set your preferences, please do that as soon as p1 read more »