Farm Happenings at Common Ground Farm
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Farm Happenings for January 7, 2022

Posted on January 2nd, 2022 by Michael Hoke

We finally have a little snow on the ground for our first winter shares!  Despite the restrictions and illnesses going around, we really hope everyone had a chance to relax and enjoy the holidays.  Thank you to all who are joining us this winter for our bi-weekly shares from now until April. We really do appreciate your support of what we are doing!

I believe almost all of you have been with us before but of course if you have any questions about the process let us know.  A few points to remind everyone:

  • We grow a lot of what we sell and whenever we don't we are trying to be super clear where it comes from.  If you are unsure of the origin or organic status of something though please don't hesitate to ask us!  It is winter so although we will have greens and storage crops from our farm, we'll also make available as much as we can from other farms and from our suppliers.
  • We will be delivering every other week (including this week) and deliveries will be Thursday and Friday!  Please keep an eye out for an email from me by Thursday morning letting you know approximately when the delivery will take place.  On the "off" weeks when we are not delivering, there will be no scheduled shares, but you may still make a farmstand order for pickup at the farm or market.
  • Farm pickups are Fridays!  This is a change from usual so please keep this in mind!
  • We are working right now to figure out the details of our "main" season shares / subscription and we will have that out to you all in a couple weeks.