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Farm Happenings at Camron Ridge Farmstead
Farm Happenings for September 1, 2020
Week 14 is here! Have a great week everybody!
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Farm Happenings for August 25, 2020
Hello All,
Week 13 coming your way....We are working hard here at the farm getting fall and winter crops planted. Enjoying the semi cooler days.
I hope this finds you all well and we will see you on Tuesday/Wednesday!
Liz and Chad read more »
Farm Happenings for August 18, 2020
Hello from your very warm farmers!
It's been a very warm week and while we love that the sun is still shining and summer isn't over yet, it makes for some draining long days! We may be hot and tired, but we cannot let our crops feel the same. While we usually water infrequently, but longer periods1 read more »
Farm Happenings for August 11, 2020
Hello all,
Week 11 - coming your way. I hope all have been enjoying your summer.
See you at pick-up this week.
Chad and Liz read more »
Farm Happenings for August 4, 2020
Hello All,
Is it weird that we finally feel like summer is here?!!It was an extra hot week on the farm, but through that heat we felt very productive. Our crew is settling in nicely and we feel like we are starting to catch up. We have a really good vibe with our crew and that makes all the differe1 read more »