Farm Happenings at Blackbrook Farm
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CSA Box 5 (Please Click on Continue Reading to see Whole Newsletter)

Posted on July 3rd, 2022 by Ayla Dodge

Hello and welcome to week 5 of the CSA already!  

We hope you are having a lovely holiday weekend, whether you are home or elsewhere.  Its looking like rain on the 4th, but for our farm that is a good thing! Any rain, anytime for the crops!

Here on the farm, the corn is growing taller and the tomatoes are starting to fruit!  The piggies are enjoying their life on pasture and the chickens are really starting grow alot!  

Dont forget about The Annual Coop Farm Tour !

This is an event where you travel around to participating farms throughout the day from 10-4pm.  It is typically a very busy day for us as over a hundred or so people come throughout the day.  You can self-tour around the farm as you wish and see our animals, fields and everything!  We will have our own hotdogs and brats grilled up for a suggested donation and we will also have a "farmstand" of veggies and meats for you to take home (don't forget a cooler!)

And finally, this is what you might find in your box this week:

Carrots- Enjoy these as a fresh snack with your favorite dip or cooked up with other CSA veggies! Top them to keep them crisper.  You can even keep them in a jar of water in the fridge. You can use the tops for "carrot top pesto"!

Basil- First of the season!  It was slow to grow this spring after being companion planted with spring spinach, but has since taken off. We had to cover it with row cover to keep the bizarre cricket plague off of them, though.  This is the 3rd year they are back in our tunnels! They love basil! Do no refrigerate basil, keep it in a bag or container on the counter.

Zucchini/Summer Squash- Both yellow and green for you.  Great fried up with eggs, or in any sitr fry type dish. Very mild and versatile!

 Sauteed Zucchini with Basil

Cucumber (s)- Hopefully everyone can get 2 this week!  Time for a quick pickle jar?  Or eat fresh!

Salad Turnips- I think I said it was the last week for them last week, but I guess I lied!  We still have some nice ones out there and they taste good so we thought we would offer them again one last time! 

Spring Mix- We are getting into the tough salad mix time of year.  It tends to either not germinate very well, bolt once transplanted or just get really bitter.  We like this Salanova varieties because they seem to fair best in hot weather but we still might have to take a couple weeks off after this to let our new successions grow.  

Spinach- Last week for spinach until the fall!

Head Lettuce (2)-  We keep on truckin' with the head lettuce this year! This is the first time we have grown a red romaine and we like it! Wash first!

Napa Cabbage- These are big this season!  So great for a kimchi or slaw or even cooked up with ham or bacon.  Very versatile and tasty!

Easy Kimchi

Fennel- Last week for fennel for a little while.  We really like to put fennel in any saute/stir fry.  The frond are also great chopped into a salad for an herby taste.  You can also add it to yogurt with some salt and scapes to top your kohlrabi fritters!

Fennel and Zucchini

Purple Scallions- These are more like small onions at this point! They got really big, really fast. They are still good to use anywhere you would use an onion or scallion.  Use the whole thing! 

Kohlrabi- 1 this week- We are nearing the end of our kohlrabi run for the year! It's been a good year.  We hope you have tried them matchsticked and also fried into fritters with egg/flour/scapes/scallions/summer squash- SO GOOD!

Zucchini, Carrot, Kohlrabi Fritters

Garlic Scapes- Chop into eggs, dressing, stir frys or anything!


First carrot harvest! We planted celery on the outside roaw and now that the carrots are out of there, the celery can take off!

we are trying out a new purple "bunching" broccoli!  We'll see how it goes!

 Have a great week!