Farm Happenings at Blackbrook Farm
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CSA Box 3 (Please Click on Continue Reading to see Whole Newsletter)

Posted on June 19th, 2022 by Ayla Dodge

Hello and welcome to week 3 of the CSA!  

It's hot and dry on the farm! We hope you have found some cool shade and water! The plants are thirsty and we are irrigating around the clock.  The cows are loving the woods for shade- can you imagine having so much fur in this heat?!  The chickens are growing each day and we move them daily to give them fresh pasture and bugs and grass to eat.  The piggos arrive next week after the heat spell has passed and some rain has come so they are not so shocked when they arrive.

The growth seems almost exponential this time of year! The box is packed with abundance and we hope you are enjoying the fresh taste of spring and summer!  

Don't forgot that you can swap out items for different ones in your box! We also have stocked up on meats that can go in your box! Buy for the week!

Here is what you may see in your box this week:

Green Scallions- These are great chopped raw into salad, tacos, burritos or eggs but you can also use them cooked up in any dish you would use onions. These keep very well in a container or plastic bag in the fridge.

Kohlrabi- This vegetable is a bit odd but it is in the brassica family (think cabbage, broccoli, radish) and grows very well in our climate.  You have to peel the outer layer and cut the stems off.  Then you can dice, slice or grate it into a salad, make fritters or cook it up with other vegetables. 

Try these yummy kohlrabi fritters!

and these awesome dips to dip the fritters in!

Golden and/or Red Beet Bunch- The golden beets are a treat!  They have a milder and sweeter flavor than the red beets.  They go great in a salad or roasted with other vegetables. Remember to use the greens, too! They cook up like chard or kale.

Golden Beet Salad

Dill Bunch- Such a great herb for potato, egg or tuna salads! Also can be chopped into a green salad or pasta dish.

Lemon Dill Pesto

Red Butterhead lettuce and Green Head Lettuce- The lettuces are really nice this year! This red butterhead is delicious and...buttery! Make sure to wash your lettuce again once you cut it up.  

Salad Turnips- These turnips are so sweet and crunchy.  You can also grill them, but they are nice chopped into a salad, too.

Farro Salad with Turnips and Greens

Red or French Breakfast Radishes- Not our finest radish year with the pests and drought but we got everyone a bunch this week!

Arugula bagged- Spicier this week with the heat.  Mix it in with the spring mix, add it to a salad for a zesty flavor or wilt it into a pasta dish.  Great made into pesto, too.

Lemon Arugula Burrata

Snap Peas!!!- A nice year for snap peas. Thes keep really well in a container in the fridge but they probably won't last that long!

Spring Mix- Try this dressing using any combo of herbs

Large Pac Choi- Our last week for pac choi until the fall. We like this crunchy, light and mild vegetable to bulk up stir frys or put on the grill. Pac Choi in a Stir Fry


Willem very much enjoying a turnip

Beet assembly line

Cukes are coming!

That butterhead!

daily chicken crew (with cows in background)

Have a great week!!

Stay Cool,

Your farmers