Farm Happenings at AgriBerry Farm
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Farm Happenings for July 28, 2020

Posted on July 26th, 2020 by Agriberry Farm

Happy Sunday Farm Share members!


This week's share is all Agriberry fruit! We are bringing you one quart of strawberries from our fields in Chesterfield, 1 half pint of raspberries from our fields in Hanover, and 2 pints of blackberries from our fields in Hanover.

All blackberry varieties ( like different breeds of dogs for example) have an array of features. Our early/mid season  blackberries are the larger one;s as seen in the picture above. This week we actually will be starting in our later season variety which is a smaller berry, so dont be surprised if all are not extra large this week. It actually is our most prized one for its more "tart or acidic" berry flavor balance. No accounting for all the individual tastes from super sweet to full tang. The more tang the more versatile for culinary options. This later variety is the ONLY one we make our blackberry jam and agriblend jam with. It's complexity of flavor is the BEST! 


Again, it seems that all I can say these days is, "Stay cool," but I know that this is not an easy task to take on. I was able to catch a breeze while cycling the Capitol Trail this weekend, but I know I would've been much more pleased with a temperature 20 degrees cooler. Luckily, I had some Agriberry nectarines with me to keep me hydrated and satisfied!


If anyone needs to make any swaps or changes that they can't figure out, please email or call me by 4 pm on Monday! 302-668-9352


I look forward to anther great week with our farm shares being fully from us. See you at the farm stands!