Farm Happenings at A.T. Buzby Farm
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Farm Happenings CSA Week 1

Posted on May 9th, 2022 by Martie Buzby

Week 1 

Welcome to CSA season 2022! Thank you for joining. I'm honored that you trust us to bring you safe, healthy fruits and vegetables.  We appreciate your support and your investment in local food. Let's take care of business first, then some news from the farm.

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Customize your share:

Our online CSA platform, Harvie, allows you to customize your Farm Share. Your default farm share is configured by Harvie based on available harvest and your preferences, which you can set on your Harvie account. To make changes to your default share, log in to your Harvie account. You can swap items and order extras. You can make changes until Sunday night 9pm.

Spring Open House:

We WILL be doing an open house on Saturday, June 4th. Come enjoy an evening on the farm and some pick-your own berries. More information to come.

Farm Update:

Things are looking up! We greatly increased our early cherry tomato production! It was a cooler spring, delaying progress a little, but this week we got so much planted, cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplant, and peppers.  Farmer Andy (the CORN GUY) has been planting sweet corn every week so we will have a continuous supply July-September.

We applied 1,600,000 pounds of compost to our farm this spring (over 40 trailer-loads). Hey, we're serious about organic soil amendments! We've been doing this for eight years now. The soil is significantly improved and vegetable crops have been healthier than ever.

It is with some sadness that we start the growing season without Andy's dad, Wilbur Buzby. He passed away early March. Wilbur loved Salem County, agriculture, and his family.  He was a supporter of Andy and Dawn from the very beginning of the farm.  After working all day at DuPont he would spend his evenings and weekends helping out around the farm.  When he retired, he was always here working, shoveling, driving tractor, harassing new employees, teaching, always working.  He lived a good, long life, and we miss him.