Farm Happenings at A.T. Buzby Farm
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Farm Happenings for August 20, 2021

Posted on August 16th, 2021 by Martie Buzby

Thankfully, the weather has taken a turn for the cooler and hopefully we are done with the heat waves for a while. Though there may be a hint of Fall in the air, summer is far from over. We still have another watermelon field that will begin to harvest in the coming weeks along with another tomato field and two cantaloupe fields! So much summer fun still to enjoy!

I just want to take a minute to thank you for supporting our farm. It's August and there is this thing in the produce business called the "August slump" when produce begins to be available in excess from producers further north, supply and demand curves cross and prices sink. Farmers in the neighborhood regularly commiserate about how they can't even pay their harvesting expenses with such low market prices. Crops are abandoned and food goes to waste. The CSA model works against this type of waste. It's awesome! We do our best to grow what you want and you commit to buying it when it's available. It's so encouraging to know that all of the food we harvest for our CSA members will make it to your kitchens. Thank you!