Farm Happenings at A.T. Buzby Farm
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Farm Happenings CSA Week 1

Posted on May 10th, 2021 by Martie Buzby

Week 1 

Welcome to CSA season 2021! Thank you for joining. I'm glad to be here to bring you safe, healthy, local food.  We appreciate all the support and your investment in our CSA.  We look forward to being a part of your table. Let's take care of business first, then some news from the farm.

****Please make sure emails from us land in your Inbox, not Spam/Promotions.****

Customize your share:

Our online CSA platform, Harvie, allows you to customize your Farm Share. Your default farm share is configured by Harvie based on available harvest and your preferences, which you can set on your Harvie account. To make changes to your default share, log in to your Harvie account. You can swap items and order extras. You can make changes until Sunday night 10pm.

Payment plan reminder:

As indicated during your sign up process, if you did not pay in full, you could have selected either "Pay by delivery" (which is simple enough) or the 25/25/50, (which is a little more confusing) so as a reminder, here is the payment schedule:

-25% of the total share cost was charged to your card when you signed up. (Harvie and Stripe credit card processing handle this... we don't have your credit card info.)

-25% of the total share cost will be charged to your card this week, when you receive your first share.

-After that, 50% of the total cost remains due. That means for any given week's share, you've already paid 50%. The remaining 50% of a week's share is charged to your credit card the day that you pick up that share, plus the charge for any extras you order for that particular day. That continues all season, unless you pre-pay your remaining balance. 

-You are welcome to pay your remaining balance in full or pay a portion at any time with cash, check, or charge. Hand your farmer cash, mail your farmer a check, or log into your account in Harvie and click on "My Profile" then on "Payment Details" to make a payment at any time. (You can check your balance due at any time)


If you can't pick up a particular week you can reschedule that week's share for a future week in Harvie, or you can have a friend or family member pick up for you. Just forward this email to them so they know the details.

Spring Open House:

We WILL be doing an open house on June 6th. Come enjoy an evening on the farm and some pick-your own berries. More information to come.

Farm Update:

Things are looking up! Weather has been good and crops are looking healthy, with the exception of the strawberries, which were severely weakened by a fungus in the fall. We will be lucky to get a 30% harvest this year. Fear not! There will be strawberries and CSA members will still get priority.

Cover crops came through the winter in good health, including some crimson clover that is beautiful in bloom right now. We've had people stop their cars to look at it. We're thankful for the nitrogen that will be provided by such a healthy crop of clover. 

We applied 1,600,000 pounds of compost to our farm this spring (over 40 trailer-loads). Hey, we're serious about organic soil amendments! We've been doing this for eight years now. The soil is significantly improved and vegetable crops have been healthier than ever.

In the past year, we transitioned to 100% solar-power for our farmyard. The panels fit neatly on our recently-replaced packing house roof and we feel good about reducing our carbon footprint.

All of the adults in our family are fully vaccinated and our farm crew is also. We did suffer a death in the family due to COVID and we are thankful to be moving forward with hope for a better year in 2021.