Farm Happenings at A.T. Buzby Farm
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Farm Happenings CSA Week 1 for May 11, 2020

Posted on May 8th, 2020 by Martie Buzby

Week 1 

Welcome to CSA season 2020! Thank you for joining.  During this unprecedented time in our history. I'm glad to be here to bring you safe, healthy, local food.  We appreciate all the support and your investment in our CSA.  We look forward to being a part of your table. Let's take care of business first, then some news from the farm.

****Please make sure emails from us land in your Inbox, not Spam/Promotions.****

Customize your share:

Our new online CSA platform, Harvie, allows you to customize your Farm Share. Your default farm share is configured by Harvie based on available harvest and your preferences, which you can set on your Harvie account. To make changes to your default share, log in to your Harvie account. You can swap items and order extras. There are just a few options for swaps and extras this week, but the options will increase as the season progresses. You can make changes until Sunday night 10pm.

Payment plan reminder:

As indicated during your sign up process, if you did not pay in full, here is the default payment schedule:

-25% of the total share cost was charged to your card when you signed up. (Harvie and Stripe credit card processing handle this... we don't have your credit card info.)

-25% of the total share cost will be charged to your card this week, when you receive your first share.

-After that, 50% of the total cost remains due. That means for any given week's share, you've already paid 50%. The remaining 50% of a week's share is charged to your credit card the day that you pick up that share, plus the charge for any extras you order for that particular day. That continues all season, unless you pre-pay your remaining balance. 

-You are welcome to pay your remaining balance in full or pay a portion at any time with cash, check, or charge. Hand your farmer cash, mail your farmer a check, or log into your account in Harvie and click on "My Profile" then on "Payment Details" to make a payment at any time. (You can check your balance due at any time)


If you can't pick up a particular week you can reschedule that week's share for a future week in Harvie, or you can have a friend or family member pick up for you. Just forward this email to them so they know the details.

Farm Update:

This has been a really hard spring on the farm.  The weather has been brutal. Tonight, as I type this Andy and Eric are outside prepping for another possible frost. IN MAY! Crazy! We have already lost so much. Tomatoes, eggplant, cantaloupe, and watermelon will all be delayed this year due to the late freeze and a wind storm. Honestly, this is the worst beating we've ever taken on our early crops, which are usually the most prized, productive and marketable.

Not all is lost. The sweet corn is looking pretty solid, so hopefully that will pull through. The pickles and squash are looking pretty good too. Many of the minor crops are looking good: kale, onions, potatoes, turnips, collards, cabbage, broccoli and swiss chard.

We are all healthy. We are wearing our masks and washing our hands all the time. We take our health and your health seriously. We are thankful that we have a job. We know there are many people who are unemployed, or working under difficult conditions, homeschooling their kids against their will, missing out on important life events, or even dealing with a loss in the family. We mourn with you for all that has been lost. We trust that the future will be better and we are working every day to make it true.

Let's go 2020! Bring it!