Farm Happenings at Zilnicki Farms
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Farm Happenings for November 14, 2023

Posted on November 10th, 2023 by John Zilnicki

WE HAD A BABY THIS WEEK!! Yup, after CSA was finished my wife said its time we head to hospital and she delivered a beautiful and healthy baby boy Wednesday.  Both baby and mama are going great and mama is an absolute rockstar!  She was mid labor and I did have to leave the hospital and head to the farm at 3AM to load our cattle onto a trailer for processing because of course baby and cow hauling would fall on the same morning.  The cattle were a little stubborn but we got them loaded and I was back to the hospital before baby Beau Bernard was born.  Mama shrugged off all the nurses attempts for epidural's and meds and absolutely dominated and I could be more proud of her. 

We shipped out some potatoes this week and this will continue for the next 3 months or so.  So remember a potato a day keeps the doctor away (not real medical advice, just a tired farmers opinion!).  

Have a great weekend!

Your farmer, 
