Farm Happenings at Zilnicki Farms
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Farm Happenings for June 9, 2020

Posted on June 6th, 2020 by John Zilnicki

Summer is here! Well not officially but close enough!  This is the time of year plants thrive.  Long daylight hours (most important factor besides for temp), warm day time temps, and warmer night time temps equal fast plant growth.  What thrives the most this time of year? WEEDS! If you sit and watch a little weed, you can see it grow!  Well, almost, I might have exaggerated a little.  If you have a garden or flower plot, this is the time of year that will make or break your summer.  We on the farm are constantly cultivating our crops now to keep weeds at bay.  I recommend the same for your plants at home if you have some, and if you don't have any, stop down to the stand and pick up some veggie starter packs or awesome flowers for your yard.

Farm Happenings this week:

-Late summer sweet corn was planted.

-Watermelons went in the ground this week.

-Our potatoes are loving the small rain shower we had!


Side not: I spoke with Harvie this week to go over customer support and services.  They are an awesome small farmer centered company, focused on keeping small farms like us in business by getting our products to you.  Well, with this whole COVID thing, all 200+ farms they host saw increase business on the CSA side.  This is awesome to see, as that means more people are waking up and wanting to really know where their food is coming from and who is handling it.  With that being said, they were met with new challenges of over worked servers, under staffed in all areas, and several small bugs in their systems.  To fix this they have doubled their team from 10 to 20 and run on their own servers now.  They don't send out their work or customer service through a virtual assistant in the Philippians.  The staff is spread out throughout the US.  So all I'm saying is, please have a bit of patients if a problem pops up.  They are taking the right precautions to increase speed of customer services.  As for me, I'm CC'd into most emails, and somedays after a long day on the farm, my emails are put on hold until early AM.  Thank you for understanding!

Thank you for your support!!

Farmer John