Farm Happenings at Tumbling Shoals Farm
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Farm Happenings for November 1, 2022

Posted on October 27th, 2022 by Shiloh Avery

The killing frost has come and gone and left us with glorious autumn afternoons. The time pressure on farm work lifts (deconstruction happens on a much more flexible schedule), and our attention turns domestic.  The detritus of lasts litters our countertops: the last beans, the last tomatoes, the last peppers.  It’s our last chance to freeze, dry, pickle, and can theses lasts, and so we scurry around like squirrels before the winter, preserving whatever we can manage.

​Some seasons, we’re better at mid-season preservation, but this season we did our best to preserve memories of adventures and food preservation fell by the wayside.  It’s not like we’ll starve—we can live on the winter hardy greens and things we still have planted, it just limits our mid-winter meal choices.  Alas, we’ll just have to thrive on the memories of those delicious warm season meals while we have yet another kale concoction.