Farm Happenings at Tumbling Shoals Farm
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Farm Happenings for November 21, 2020

Posted on November 15th, 2020 by Shiloh Avery

This is the second to last fall share.  The final fall share will be delivered to Tasteful Beans on Tuesday, Nov 24th.  I have made other arrangements with some of you already.  Please let me know directly as soon as possible if you are unable to pick up your final share the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, Nov 24th.  This was the time most folks could pick up, but we will get you your share no matter what.  

FYI: If you missed out on New Life Farm turkeys (he's sold out), you might still be able to pick one up on Sat, Nov 21st at the farmers market (10-2) from Rippetoe Farm (a New Life Farm alumni).

I'd like to take this opportunity to express our profound gratitude to you for supporting our farm during this tumultuous season.  Because of you, we will still be able to farm next season.  The Tumbling Shoals Farm team will be stronger than ever and ready to improve for you.  And we know we couldn't have done it without you.  We are looking forward to the 2021 season no matter what nature throws our way. So much to be thankful for this year.  

In gratitude,

Your farmers,

Shiloh, Jason, Mallory, Kelsey, and Hope

Tumbling Shoals Farm