Farm Happenings at Sungrounded Farm
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Celeriac, Rosemary, and Baby Bok Choy this Week

Posted on October 10th, 2022 by Ashley Thompson

This year we tried something new: to grow the challenging and unpopular Farmer's Market vegetable- Celeriac, otherwise known as Celery Root.

We added it to our crop plan this year because it is one of our favorite root veggies in the fall, and we really want to share it with you and for you to experience it's deliciousness.  Celeriac is related to celery, but the premier part is actually its base rather than its stems, though those are edible too.  This bulging root has a mild celery flavor, but is like the creamiest potato you've ever had.  It takes about five months to grow, but is worth waiting for, we think.  It's great in soups and roasted with other veggies, you can even boil it and mash it with potatoes to give them a texture and flavor boost!  As for those tops, you can use them in any recipe that needs celery (though they're better cooked than raw), or are great to add in to make stock!  Throw them in the freezer if you aren't ready for them this week and stock 'em whenever you want.  Here are a couple recipe ideas to try:

Celeriac Leek Soup

Celery Root and Mushroom Soup

Potato And Celery Root Mash

Here's what else is available:

Greens n' Things: Red Butter Lettuce, Baby Bok Choy, Cauliflower

Roots + Alliums: Celeriac, Garlic, Red Onion, Fingerling Potatoes, Purple Radishes

(Spicy) Fruits: Cayenne Pepper Pints

Herbs: Rosemary, Cilantro


Happy Cooking,

Ashley, Caleb and the Sungrounded Crew