Farm Happenings at Springdale Farm
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Farm Happenings for June 18, 2021

Posted on June 14th, 2021 by Peter Seely

Cherry tomatoes starting to develop!



Seems like we have already hit mid-summer temperatures!  Good for some things, and not so great for others!  Lots of crops are in the ground, though they would sure benefit from a nice rain or two!

For newcomers we will explain to you the 'Harvie' procedure of determining what will be in your box: With this e-mail you have received a list of items that will comprise your first box.  That list is what Harvie came up with based on what we have available, and what your stated preferences for the veggies were.  If you see no reason to change that list, then you need not do anything.  If there are some extras of some veggies available, and you might want to swap any of your listed items for the extras, or if you want to just purchase any of the extras, then you can follow the directions on how to do that.  The deadline to make those changes is Wednesday at 6 am. If you have any questions, you can go to Harvie University where answers to commonly asked questions are found.   You can also send an e-mail to, though you should expect an answer within a day, but not within minutes.

At your pick-up site (which is listed in your harvie account) you should come within the posted times, and you should locate the tote with your name on it, and you can take the bag of produce out of the tote and neatly stack the tote at the pick-up site where we will retrieve it the following week.  If you do not come to the pick-up site during the allotted times, then the pick-up site will be free to distribute the contents of the tote as they see fit.

If there are any other questions about the general procedure, send an e-mail to us at!

Hope you enjoy these first offerings, and look for another e-mail whenever your next box is scheduled!  (Either next week, or in two weeks)!


Stay cool!


Peter & Bernadette & Crew