Farm Happenings at Springdale Farm
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Farm Happenings for August 7, 2019

Posted on August 3rd, 2019 by Peter Seely


Busy week -- although the sun and the warm temperatures and the moisture captured in the soil provide the necessary conditions for any plant growth to happen at all, there still leaves a lot of work leftover for us -- preparing the soil, (including the making and applying of compost), planting the desired crop, removing weeds that compete with the crop, irrigating when too dry, harvesting at the appropriate time, and carefully keeping the harvested crop at an optimum temperature and moisture level to make it into your tote safely to your pick-up site.    Both the plants, and the people, are a little more fragile when temperatures elevate, adding to the challenge!     But wonderful if it all works out!  Days are getting shorter now!  You can tell by the change in the evening light!



New crops coming on now include red cabbage, eggplant, and melons.  Soon following will be peppers, and sweet corn.  If we don't have enough for every box (that wants one), we will soon!