Farm Happenings at Schultz Valley Farms
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Farm Happenings for July 15, 2022

Posted on July 13th, 2022 by Lynne Schultz

Greeting from the farm, 

Hope everyone is doing well. Josh and I have had a rough week. Josh has had his back go out on him and has been struggling to get by. By the end of the day he no feeling in his hip down. I took a a bad fall this week and my right side is pretty bang up. I can't even raise my arm above my shoulder. So off to the chiropractors we go to try to get straighten up. But no matter what we still keep working. 

We have an assortment of new things this week ready on the farm. We have peppers and eggplant. We also have cantaloupe and blackberries. Also we have our first sweet corn, you might a worm or two in the corn. This is due to us not spraying any pesticides on it. That is also why you might see some spots on your cucumbers. This due to the the cucumber beetle.

So I hope everyone stays safe, 

The Schultz Family