Farm Happenings at Schultz Valley Farms
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It finally Rained

Posted on July 7th, 2022 by Lynne Schultz

Greetings from the farm, 

I hope everyone is doing well and had a great 4th of July. Here on the farm we are super excited that we finally got some rain. This rain should help with helping our outside crop mature. And hopefully in the next week or so we should have some new crops coming in. 

With the rain day. Josh and our nephews have been able to start a project that has been sitting in our year since Jan 1st. Our new high tunnel. All I know this thing is going to be massive. It will be 148 feet long by 34 wide. That is a lot of growing space that we are excited to fill for winter production with greens and root crops that way I don't have dig snow off row covers. Plus it is a little warm inside than outside to pick. 

So hope everyone has a great week, 
