Farm Happenings at River Queen Greens
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Peak Strawberries (and the last days of peas)

Posted on April 9th, 2021 by Annie Moore

We're getting close to the end of the peas - snow peas pretty much peaked this week and we're just about out of sugar snaps - but we're welcoming the arrival of summer squash, which liked the rain a couple nights ago. The fields are looking plenty soaked right now, and there's a lot more rain in the forecast. A little rain goes a long way out on the west bank farm, so we'll see how it goes!

This week we've got a nice selection of salads, herbs, cooking greens, and roots, along with some seasonal specialities. Strawberry quarts from Faust Farm are back and they're absolutely beautiful - so red and sweet. This is the time to get them if you've been waiting for prime strawberries. There's plenty of eggs, mushrooms, and tofu in the extras section too.

Please note: We updated the farm share FAQ webpage with info on how to get your share if you didn't get it during your pickup window. If you didn't pick up your share please look at that page and email us confirming you'll pick it up at the next chance (listed on the page). Thanks!

Have a great weekend!