Farm Happenings at River Queen Greens
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Holiday Heads Up

Posted on December 7th, 2020 by Annie Moore

We're gearing up for a weird holiday season, and we wanted to give you all a heads up that the usual schedule will be different over the week of Christmas. All Thursday and Saturday shares will be delivered on Wednesday evening, 12/23. Please mark your calendars now. It will be the same schedule as the Thanksgiving week (but hopefully without the massive deluge during the pick up time!). More details to come once the system gets updated.

This week we're excited to include lots of carrots and the last of our own sweet potatoes, along with beautiful greens - notably bok choy and cabbage - plus a new winter salad mix from Compostella. Lauren from Sólo Espresso turned some of our peashoots into a vegan pesto, so we added a few jars of that to the extras section. And the fresh baby ginger and turmeric from Certified Naturally Grown local growers Too Tall Farm is just gorgeous. Also available as an add-on.

A couple other notes: We are now collecting donations of clothes, blankets, tents, and towels for Southern Solidarity at the farm. Go here more info about what they need to give to unhoused city residents. We also have a Community Fridge that gets lots of traffic. If you have any food to contribute, please consider bringing it with you on Saturday (or any time you're in the neighborhood) and know it will go to good use! 

Lastly, we've created an FAQ page on our website for the Farm Share that will hopefully be useful for some people. Please take a look!

Have a good, safe week!

PS - Only 2 more farm shares in this season after this week! If you are a share member, you'll be auto-renewed for the Spring season, which will most likely begin mid-January. If you want to opt-out, you can do so in your Harvie account. (More details in the FAQ!)