Farm Happenings at River Queen Greens
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Food and more food

Posted on April 6th, 2020 by Annie Moore

Hey all,

Despite the general lack of rain, the food keeps coming. We've got lots of great greens and other veggies from our fields for y'all and are pleased to continue adding offerings from other local producers. This week we have more greens from Compostella, scallions from the Poché Family Farm, and now sweet potatoes from Pointe Coupee Minority Farmers Co-op. And we have a greater assortment of value-added offerings, including a variety of ferments (yogurt, kimchi, and kombucha) from Insanitea that we're excited to try out.

Other extras include:

  • Eggs from Local Cooling Farm
  • Oyster Mushrooms from Mycelium Express
  • Onigirazu (Avocado and egg or Roasted Carrot) and hot sauce from The Lost Line
  • Jamboree Jams
  • We're expecting to add Strawberries and Cherry Tomatoes in our extras, but don't currently have confirmation on their delivery. So be sure to check back if you don't see them on the list.

Finally, we wanted to thank you again for your enthusiasm and support. Our farm share has positively exploded in the last couple weeks and we've been hustling to keep up with the demand. (If you're interested in learning more about how we scaled up during this pandemic, you can check out Farmer Cheryl's quote in the sustainable farming newsletter, Growing For Market.)

Thank you again and stay well!

Annie and Cheryl

PS - Some of you have seen our Rutabaga Ginsburg T-shirts and wondered about purchasing them through the Farm Share. We have an Etsy shop with lots of vegetable celebrity pun merchandise. You can place an order on Etsy and make a note that you're in our Farm Share. We'll refund the shipping and include your order in your veggie box.

PPS - We're still accepting returned white takeout style microgreens containers, so keep 'em coming!