Farm Happenings at Ridge to Reef Farm
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Dust Days

Posted on May 24th, 2022 by Elizabeth Gallo

Summer is coming in hot and we've got lots to share with you all. Mangoes are starting to drop from the trees so we are trying our best to pick them before the birds find out. The Sahara dust we've been experiencing this past week has been impacting our solar capacities but we are doing our best to conserve energy and protect our batteries! It can be especially hard to keep our fields irrigated when the weather is dry and the dust is blocking sun from our panels. Luckily many of our crops that were planted when it was more wet have reached a stage of maturity where they are less effected by the dry weather and will still produce nicely. This time of the year can be especially hard on young trees too, so a big focus these past few weeks has been keeping all of those guys nice and wet. 

Aside from lots of mangoes this week we will also have cucumbers and arugula in abundance. We are gearing up to have a fun and eventful weekend at Ag Fair and we hope to see some of you there! We will still have our regular pick up times at Leatherback and Little LaGrange on Saturday and our Farm Tienda on Wednesday and Saturday from 11-3. We hope everyone has a great week!

Elizabeth and the Farm Crew