Farm Happenings at Ridge to Reef Farm
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Oo baby baby

Posted on May 26th, 2021 by Elizabeth Gallo

Happy Wednesday from the Farm Crew!

This week we are excited about a lot of new crops that have just started coming in. Pictured above we have baby Swiss chard that just germinated this week and will be ready for harvest later this month. We also have a lot of thyme planted with this batch of chard that is just starting to get big enough for harvest! 

Baby greens are the name of the game this week as we have quarter pound bags of wasabina mustard greens as well as bags of mixed baby kale and turnip greens. Baby greens are an awesome addition to salads, sandwiches and stir frys, although I find myself snacking on them raw throughout the day...

In addition to plenty of greens, we also have a lot of pineapples available in various sizes as well as...wait for it...MANGOES! Mango season has finally begun and we are kicking it off with the Kensington variety (my personal favorite) which is a sweet, non-stringy variety. There's a lot of get excited about in our boxes this week and we can't wait to share it all with you!

Don't forget to stop by the Farm Tienda at Little LaGrange on Mahogany Road on Saturday from 11-3, we will have many more fun produce available as well as fabulous pre-made goodies from Misfit Island Munchies. Come say hi!

Elizabeth and the Farm Crew