Farm Happenings at Rare Earth Farm
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First Summer Harvest

Posted on July 6th, 2023 by Steve Young

This has to be for me the most enjoyable time of the year when I start harvesting my field grown vegetables. Most of what has been available thus far has come from the greenhouses. Now I'll be keeping a close eye on my field grown crops to determine if they're ready to harvest. This week the snap peas finally became ready to pick. Seeded in the first week of May, its taken a whole sixty growing days to start picking. How can I tell when snap peas are ready to pick? I use a refractometer to check on sugar levels of the peas. When sugar levels or the "brix" is at its optimum level then they're perfect for picking. Hope you enjoy the snap peas!

I've had a few people comment on the number of items available on my farm stand that I'm now having other local farms grow for me. The few items I do purchase from off farm sources are all from farms that I've had long standing relationships with. Also they are all "certified organic". That is a firm qualifying factor in my decision to purchase from these farms. That will not change. In buying from other farm sources it gives a greater opportunity to offer certain vegetables and fruits that have always been difficult, or not possible to grow on my farm. All items listed on the farm stand will note who the producer of those items are. I always want to give total visibility to the origin of the produce and offer the deserved credit to the farms that are the producers.

Thank you all for your continuing support and interest in my produce. I'm still and always will be committed to offering the highest quality produce possible for your eating enjoyment. Hope you all have a wonderful July.


Farmer Steve