Farm Happenings at Potomac Vegetable Farms
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Week 15: Turning the Corner to Fall, Weeding Madly As We Go

Posted on September 1st, 2021 by Hana Newcomb

On the day before the remnants of Ida came through, we worked extra long and hard to get ready for so much rain. This is hurricane season, and we know that many inches of rain in one day can put a stop to some of the summer crops. Anything that is already starting to fade, those plants just get diseased and give up. So we picked as many tomatoes as we could. And we planted all the brassicas that had been waiting to go in the ground (and quietly getting munched by slugs while they waited) and the cilantro and dill that do not thrive in high heat. But mostly we weeded and weeded so that there will be beets and carrots this fall. If it rains too much, the ground gets saturated and we can't walk or drive a tractor in the fields, but the weeds can keep growing all day and all night. If we hadn't pulled that ocean of weeds on Tuesday, we probably would have lost those beets. But we were triumphant.  

Our fields are filling up with fall and winter vegetable crops. The kale is just weeks away. The bok choy looks so happy. It feels so good to see those rows and rows of collards and broccoli growing, in spite of those weeks of steamy heat. We know that, if we plant them in good moist soil and make sure they get a good drink at the beginning, they will probably hold on until the break that always comes in September.

And here it is. The moment we have all been waiting for... cool days and cool nights! Winter squash harvest begins in earnest this week, as soon as the ground gets dry enough to walk on.  

Fall shares are still available!
If you're interested in continuing through November 16th, in your Harvie membership, under Deliveries, you should be able to see if you are already subscribed for fall:
And if you want to sign up, here's all the details and the registration link:

Questions about your vegetables? Take a look at ID That Veggie! For more recipe ideas you can find us on Pinterest!