Farm Happenings at Potomac Vegetable Farms
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Week 3: Kohlrabi Season

Posted on June 9th, 2021 by Hana Newcomb

Every vegetable has a true season, and this is high kohlrabi season. For those who have never tasted kohlrabi, now is the time. It is tender and sweet and crunchy. In a few weeks it won't be as sweet and the skin will be super tough, so strike now while the kohlrabi is at its peak.  

Kohlrabi is in the cabbage and broccoli family, and it tastes most like a broccoli stem. But it doesn't get as mushy. You can eat it raw or steamed or fried or even cooked like a French fry. Grate it into salad or cut it into strips and steam it like asparagus. The peel is generally not as delicious, so you usually peel the space alien bulb.

This is your big chance if you have never interacted with a kohlrabi. Soon the season will be over and we will be cajoling you to try fennel!

Other things that are not going to last forever: radishes and kale. At the end of June we take a break from the brassica family as best we can, to try to get the cabbage moths to die back before the fall planting. Who knows if it works, but it can't hurt to try.

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