Farm Happenings at Moose Meadow Farm
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Meet Our Crew Part 2!

Posted on June 3rd, 2023 by Katherine Nietmann

Welcome to Week 3!


We sincerely hope you are enjoying the vegetables.  You'll see our first heirloom tomatoes available this week, as well as plenty of summer squash, which was just starting last week!  We also have new potatoes.  Every year there are a couple of vegetables that stand out for one reason or another and with which we become obsessed.  This year it's new potatoes and magenta lettuce heads.  We can't get enough (though we're going easy on the potatoes so there are plenty for you all)!


Here are pictures of the rest of our crew:

Judy, who drives our deliveries

Rachel, who helps on harvest Fridays

Nicole, who helps on production Thursdays and harvest Tuesdays and Fridays

We are so grateful for them and we are getting a ton done with their work ethic and combined knowledge and experience!


Happy eating,

Katherine and Spencer