Farm Happenings at Jade Family Farm
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Is it the end of May already? It is!

Posted on May 26th, 2019 by John Eisenstein

And that means it is time for us to stop lounging about and start harvesting and packing your shares.  The above photo was taken a few weeks ago, when the strawberries were just starting to flower.  So far the crop looks good, although it's never too late for something to go horribly wrong.

Hopefully everyone has received your welcome letters-- if you haven't, please let me know.  Please read it, if you haven't already, as it contains important information about your shares, including the code you will need to unlock your box.

We have a pretty good selection for you for this time of year, although, as you would expect, it is heavy on the greens.  We do have some sweet potatoes left from last year's harvest which have stored very well all winter.  What else is coming up?  Strawberries are sizing up and turning pale green, in preparation for ripening.  Hopefully they will be ready next week.  Our early "sacrifice" planting of zucchini survived this mild spring quite nicely and is beginning to flower:

And we have some little baby cucumbers on our greenhouse planting, which I'm not going to show you a picture of until next week, when I have finished weeding and trellising the plants.

Ok, what am I forgetting?  Probably a lot.  I know this is the first year with us for many of you, so please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions.  If you're having trouble using the Harvie software, contact Harvie support, though, not me, since I didn't write it and have very little idea how it works.  Although they may not me in the office on Memorial day, so if things are really going haywire, go ahead and email me-- I can always do things the old fashioned way.

