Farm Happenings at Heritage Family Gardens
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It's onion season!

Posted on June 24th, 2022 by Stacey Taggart

We planted thousands of onions earlier this spring with the help of many volunteers.  And now it's time to start harvesting them!  Right now they are small and sweet, and we're giving them to you with the greens still attached.  Chop off the greens when you get home and reserve them and use them just as you would green onion greens.  They're super yummy in egg dishes, in stir fries or sautés, or in salads.  The onion bulb can, of course, be used just as you would an onion, but be aware it won't store as long as a typical onion will because it hasn't been "cured".  That will happen later this summer and we'll have onions that can store through the fall and winter.  But for now, we'll enjoy sweet early onions! Yum! Also this week we have our Summer Smorgasbord again with a variety of summertime crops that are slowly coming into production - cucumbers, yellow summer squash, zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower.