Farm Happenings at Heritage Family Gardens
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Spring into Summer: Spring Week #6

Posted on June 4th, 2020 by Stacey Taggart

Somehow it's the last week of our Spring season... how did that happen?!  As we harvested this week, we were discussing how grateful we were for what we get to do.  All the craziness throughout the world right now is sobering, yet it reminds us how grateful we are for our quiet little farm and the simple work we get to do.  It's so peaceful in the mornings especially, so harvest days are some of our favorites as we're up extra early to get the crops in before it gets hot.  As we listen to the birds calling to each other (and to all the animals and people alike throughout the "neighborhood" to wake up) it's such a simple, yet profound treasure.  Thanks so much for this opportunity!!