Farm Happenings at Gravel Road Farm
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Gravel Road Farm News, July 16 2022

Posted on July 16th, 2022 by Ross Ferkett

Gravel Road Farm News, July 16 2022

The season is humming along. We are in the thick of it! Weeds, harvesting, markets, family events, problem solving, sweating, bugs, hay making…

We launched a new flower stand last week. We stocked it with bouquets made by our daughter. She is going on exchange to Colombia in August for her senior year of high school and wants to make a little extra money. We hope to keep it stocked with fresh flowers and more for the rest of the summer until school starts. Spread the word so that we can make it a success. (We are considering putting tomatoes out there as well when we have a surplus.) It is an honor stand, bouquets are small, just $10. 

Zucchini is here! It is the all purpose summer meal filler. We are looking forward to grilled zucchini, zucchini pie, and zucchini noodles. And if we find any surprise overgrown ones, we can make zucchini bread! The sugar snap peas are at the end. This will be the last week for them. We have a lot of beets! We have a lot of lettuce! The kohlrabi went bonkers last week, so we picked it all before it got huge. It looks amazing still and the leaves are tender to include in your meals. The broccoli looks great and we will have more coming, so use it or freeze it. Fennel is new this week. Chop it up and eat it with your salad, roast it, put it in your summer stews. You can eat the tops and the bulbs. It goes well with zucchini!

Microgreens, we tried to add them last week for swaps, or as an extra, but had some technical difficulties. They are from our friends at the farmers market, Aaron Summers/Summers Garden. They are going to be added to the list a little bit later after the launch, so you will have to swap them in if you want them. 

We are watching the tomatoes and peppers with high expectations, but we still have at least 2 weeks before there are any ripe enough to put in boxes. There are only a couple of peppers that are developed, so that will also be a little later than we like. Carrots are still tiny little things, but we look forward to seeing them size up with the summer temperatures.

 Here’s to beautiful salads!