Farm Happenings at Flat Tack Farm
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Farm Happenings for June 11, 2020

Posted on June 8th, 2020 by Kelly Peters

We are so fortunate to have the opportunity to grow food for our community.  We are blessed with access to land, tools, infrastructure, able bodies, and help of our community to make this happen.  Many others are not so fortunate.  With everything that is going on right now, we have to take pause and reflect.  Reflect on how cruel and unjust our system is and humans can be to each other.  Our hearts ache for the black lives lost.  Our hearts ache for those less fortunate who are stranded in poverty and without basic human rights.

We have to educate ourselves.  We have to speak up and band together.  We have to support everywhere we can.

We'd like to share a few resources to educate ourselves and each other.  Please check them out, pass it on and talk with others about these things that are usually swept under the rug or ignored. 

Anti-Racism resources to check out (Document compiled by Sarah Sophie Flicker, Alyssa Klein in May 2020).  Including pod-casts, books, articles, videos, etc. Click this link: 


Please volunteer, become an ambassador, or donate to some of these local groups that are helping to feed our community in need:

Or donate to our scholarship fund!  We have a new member joining our veggie share program starting next week whose share is entirely funded by your donations!!!  Thank you all so much for helping others with access to local, fresh, healthy food!  Any donations that are made from now until the end of the year will go to one of the above non-profit organizations.  Please contact us if you would like to donate to the scholarship fund.

Want to See Food and Land Justice for Black Americans? Support These Groups in the link listed below.


Please support these Black locally owned businesses in Vancouver and Portland:

Stay well, stay strong, support each other and love each other.

Your farmers,

Kelly & Patrick